Viewing Team Members' Work

Managing Permissions as an Admin

Sara Aharoni avatar
Written by Sara Aharoni
Updated over a week ago

To view a team member's work in FLK it over, you'll need permission from your account's admin. As an admin, here's how you can grant these permissions:

Granting Permissions:

  1. Click your profile name in the top right corner to access the settings. Select "Settings" from the dropdown menu.

  2. On the left-hand side of the page, click on the "Team" tab.

  3. Choose the name of the team member you want to grant permissions to.

  4. Tick the box next to the name of the person whose work you want them to access. Checking this box grants access to both viewing and editing of the person's work. (Alternatively, scroll down to the bottom to find a box you can check to give a team member the ability to view and edit everyone's work without having to check each individual box.)

  5. Confirm your selections by saving the changes at the bottom of the page.

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